People typically image a male chef in a white coat as well as a tall white cap when they think of “hotel management.” The majority of employees start and end their careers in hotel management with jobs in the kitchen or the dining room. The reality, however, is very different. Currently, the two industries with the fastest growth rates worldwide are tourism and hotel management. They would debunk a few widespread misconceptions regarding hotel management in the essay that follows:There is nothing more to a profession in hotel management than providing food.The majority of people think that working in a restaurant or serving customers is where a profession in hotel management starts and ends. People typically image a male chef in a white coat as well as a tall white bonnet when they think of “hotel management.” The reality is much different. Today, the hospitality and tourist industries are among those with the fastest growth rates. There is much more to hotel management than merely cooking. It’s a serious career opportunity due to the exacting standards of perfection, flawless quality, and consistently excellent service! The hotel sector provides several options, ghmhotels management company depending on a person’s talent.
Only hotels will hire graduates in hotel management
This isn’t the case, as students can see if simply concentrate on the course material and the placement page on the certified Schools for Tourism and or Hotel Management website. Other industries that recruit graduates from hospitality schools include event management, aviation, tourism, caterers, training and education, food processing, and even restaurant consultancy.
Risky for women to pursue a profession in hotel management
Nothing could be farther from the truth than this. Inside the Asia Pacific area, women make up the majority of the workers in the hotel industry. One of the finest places to work in India is the Marriott hotel company. The Taj hotel chain and the welcome hotels of the ITC group have some of the best employment rules for women. Because restaurants are open around-the-clock and women might well be obliged to work shifts that end in the wee hours, there is a general misconception that hotels are bad for women. All hotels offer drops to female employees working late shifts, and nobody forces them to perform evening shifts if they don’t want to. Due to their security system, hotels are among the safest locations for women working evening shifts to operate.